Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Poems

It's Snowing, It's Snowing
            by Soriia

     What do you say?
     Let's go play!
     It's snowing! It's snowing!
     And I love the blowing.

                         Hot Chocolate
                             by Kelsey

     We are eating hot chocolate in my nice warm home.
     Because we just ate an ice cream cone.
     We also have a fire on,
     I was so tired, I had to yawn.

Monday, January 10, 2011

I reviewed the rules for keeping safe on the internet with my class and we watched "Faux Paw, the Techno Cat." Faux Paw makes a big mistake when she agrees to meet a friend she met online. She learns a great lesson and our class learned how important it is to keep our personal information safe. The website we used is It has a parent section as well as a kids section. In the parent section, you can find family fun lessons and in the kids section, you can watch Faux Paw's video or read the book.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and New Smartkiddies Math

Welcome to 2011...Happy New Year!
I hope you have enjoyed using Smartkiddies Mathematics to practice what is learned in the classroom. I have some big news...Smartkiddies has changed to StudyLadder. It has added literacy (reading) practice along with math. They have assigned new passwords and I will be passing them out to you when we return to school. Logging in is much simpler. I can show you on Monday. We don't have a class login anymore, now you only have to use your login and password one time to get in. This allows you to keep your points and profile when you move on to 4th grade.